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What Is NDIS Support Coordination & How Does It Help?

Starting an NDIS journey can be difficult at times, as it involves a number of complex decision-making processes. The NDIS Support Coordinator at SupportNest will lessen some of the anxiety associated with participation. SupportNest believes that all individuals are unique and deserve assistance in overcoming obstacles. We strive to offer people with disabilities superior disability support and personalised care. Consequently, individuals covered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) are able to exercise autonomy over their lives.

In addition, we want to ensure that you or your loved ones are able to maximise NDIS funding. Furthermore, we want to help you make the best decisions for your special circumstances. Our support coordination service is made up of a team of attentive, caring listeners. We can implement all of the complexities required to accommodate your disability due to our extensive knowledge.
As a registered NDIS Provider in Victoria, we would like to shed light on the characteristics of an effective NDIS Support Coordinator. You can also learn what to expect from them. In addition, we will evaluate your eligibility for the NDIS and its funding structure. It is essential that you have a thorough understanding of all aspects of receiving Support Coordination for a disability.


  • There will be less stress and more time to focus on your goals.
  • Assists you in developing independence, making more informed decisions, and exercising choice and control.
  • Provides assistance in locating, negotiating, and managing service agreements with a wide range of service providers (both short and long term).
  • Provides ongoing assistance in teaching you and your family/caregivers how to manage your NDIS plan and make the most of your funding.
  • Connects you to local, mainstream, and other government services.
  • Assists you in preparing for NDIS plan reviews.

What Does A Support Coordinator Do?

The daily tasks of a support coordinator rely solely on the participant’s needs, goals, and circumstances, as well as the level of support coordination required.
A support coordinator can:
1. Facilitate Understanding of Your NDIS Plan
Your support coordinator can provide clarification if any aspects of your NDIS plan are unclear. They can help you understand your support budget, how your funding is managed, and what other requirements may be necessary to access your support. For instance, they can recommend high-quality and trustworthy therapists, schedule appointments, and devise methods to help you independently manage your schedule.
2. Plan And Coordinate Your Support
Your support is individualised, and your support coordinator can assist you in locating providers, services, and ndis support that are most likely to be beneficial. This can include community, government, and funded resources that assist you in achieving your goals. Your support coordinator can assist you in determining how you would like to receive your support and services, experimenting with different providers and new services to determine which best meets your needs, and organising your services to fit your plan and budget.
3. Connect You With Services and Supports

Your support coordinator should be familiar with the community services in your area. With this information, they can assist you in locating services, selecting appropriate NDIS-funded, community, and mainstream supports, and advocating on your behalf.

4. Develop And Maintain Your Support
In addition, they can set up service agreements and service bookings, assisting you to negotiate and comprehend the services and support you require. Additionally, your support coordinator can identify any obstacles that may prevent you from utilising your plan and work to resolve them.If there are any obstacles preventing you from utilising your plan, your support coordinator can assist you. They can evaluate the efficacy of your support, help you prepare for the possibility of something going wrong, and assist you in changing providers if necessary.
5. Offer Coaching
It may be necessary to refine and reflect on your plan, and your support coordinator can coach you through this process. In doing so, they can help you gain the confidence and skills necessary to implement your plan on your own, maximising its effectiveness.
6. Inform the NDIA
The National Disability Insurance Agency, or NDIA, is a statutory agency that operates independently. This agency will receive reports detailing how your support coordinator has assisted you in using your plan to pursue your goals. When implementing a new plan, in the middle of a plan, and upon plan review, they will provide reports that include recommendations for future plans.
7. Develop Your Independence

Independence is a common objective, and your support coordinator can help you achieve it so that you can choose and direct your support. They will assist you, your family, and your carers in locating service providers who can meet your needs, assist you in communicating using your preferred method, and create opportunities for you to perform these and other tasks with greater independence.

8. Anticipate Unexpected Events And Emergencies
Unexpected events can cause distress in any circumstance. Your support coordinator can assist you in preparing for potential changes that may affect you, such as a move or a hospitalisation. In addition to assisting you in planning for such changes, they will help you build your confidence so that you can accomplish this on your own. They may be able to connect you with crisis services such as the justice, mental health, and child and family protection systems. They can also help you develop a plan for accessing the appropriate crisis services when needed.
9. Consider Your Own Best Interests
Before recommending support and services, your support coordinator should have your best interests in mind and act accordingly.


If you qualify for Support Coordination, funds will be allocated from your Budget for Capacity Building Support.
The majority of individuals will only receive funding for Support Coordination when they receive their first NDIS plan or when they require additional support, such as when they move into supported housing or face long-term health challenges.
The amount of funding you receive is determined by what the NDIS deems “reasonable and necessary” for you to achieve your goals.

If Support Coordination funding is not included in your NDIS budget or if you need to adjust your current level of funding, you can speak with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC). They can assist you in determining whether it is possible to receive funding for Support Coordination. When speaking with your LAC, you should bring as much evidence as possible (reports, assessments, and quotes).

Am I Eligible for NDIS Support Coordination?

Some National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants do require additional assistance in order to maximise their NDIS benefits. In addition, Support Coordination is not available to all NDIS participants; it is only available to those in the following circumstances:
  • Requiring the knowledge and confidence to use the NDIS on their own.
  • Have no informal support network, such as family or friends, to whom they can turn for help in locating appropriate disability service providers.
  • Utilizing this service will provide you with tangible benefits.
  • They are new to the NDIS ecosystem, have received their first NDIS plan, or are going through significant life changes.
What Is NDIS Support Coordination How Does It Help 2nd | SupportNest

Enquire About NDIS Support Coordination

If you were unsure of how to navigate the NDIS and were curious about the role of a support coordinator, we hope this article has helped to answer your questions.To enquire about NDIS support coordination, please contact our friendly staff and we will gladly assist you.

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