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SupportNest is a registered NDIS provider that provides a wide range of personalised disability services. We provide services that assist our participants in gaining access to Real Autism Care, build independence, learn new skills, and cultivate positive behaviour. We also provide cancer care support to our participants as part of our comprehensive services.

Autism Care And Support | SupportNest
People with autism usually require specialised support. Autism can have a significant impact on how you learn, interact with others, and cope with your surroundings, depending on the severity of your diagnosis. Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) allows those living with autism to access funding for a variety of supports in order to make services available to those in need.
SupportNest takes a personalised approach in designing support programs for people with autism. We will collaborate with you and your support networks to create a plan that will assist you in achieving your goals.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)?

Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Atypical Autism, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified are now all included in the diagnostic criteria for ASD (PDD-NOS).
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to learn, interact with others, and adapt to their environment.
Therefore, individuals on the Autism Spectrum may struggle with learning, communication, socialisation, environmental adaptation, and emotional regulation.
Studies on the effects of autism indicate that early diagnosis and intervention can significantly aid in alleviating symptoms across all levels of ASD.
Support must be managed properly for all cases of autism; however, those with NDIS Level 2 Autism or Ndis Autism Level 3 may require additional functional capacity support and“ NDIS Funding For Autism.


Looking for supported independent living vacancies in Melbourne and the surrounding areas? SupportNest accommodations are high quality, cleaned and well-maintained regularly so you can feel safe and comfortable during your NDIS respite.


Care Autism Services | SupportNest

Autism And NDIS Funding

The types of available support services for those with autism are:
  • Speech pathology
  • Occupational therapy designed to improve fine motor skills and concentration
  • Personal care support (showering, toileting, dressing, eating)
  • Behavioral support (relationship building, behavioral management techniques)
  • Nutrition (diversifying eating habits)
  • The amount  of funding and support for ASD is dependent on the severity of the condition.

If you’re looking for “Autism Centre Near Me” SupportNest can help!

SupportNest provides assistance to people with autism.Our staff can manage and support all of your complex needs including maximising your NDIS funding.To enquire about Autism Care, please contact our friendly staff and we will gladly assist you.
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