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SupportNest has members with a wide range of disabilities and conditions, including arthritis care, Huntington’s disease, and many others, and we are frequently asked how the NDIS can specifically assist them.

Today, we decided to share how the NDIS can assist members with epilepsy (as well as parents and carers of children with epilepsy) in order to better comprehend the Epilepsy Care Plan for people living with epilepsy.
Epilepsy Care Plan | SupportNest
Is epilepsy included on the NDIS?

If you or your child has been diagnosed with epilepsy, you may be eligible for assistance and support services under the NDIS, despite the fact that some people with epilepsy do not view themselves as having a disability. This will depend on your unique circumstances and the functional impact that this has on your life.

You must provide evidence of the impact your epilepsy has on your daily life when applying for the NDIS. You are only eligible for the NDIS if you can prove that epilepsy has had a significant impact on your life.
If your NDIS application is approved, a variety of services, including a Specialist For Epilepsy, can help you manage your epilepsy.
Some examples are:
  • Medication management
  • Domestic assistance, including domestic/housework duties
  • Transportation and access to support groups and other community organisations
  • Supports that will help you find and maintain employment
  • Aids and equipment to facilitate daily living
  • Social and recreational assistance

Triggers and Symptoms Of Epilepsy

Seizures are the most common symptom of epilepsy. If you observe someone having a seizure, please refer to seizure first aid.
There are numerous varieties of Triggers For Epilepsy. The most common type (generalised tonic-clonic seizures) is characterised by unconsciousness and jerking or unusual movements of the body. Absence seizures can be difficult to identify because the individual remains conscious but appears “blank” for a few seconds. Absence seizures typically begin in childhood and can be confused with daydreaming.


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Epilepsy Care | SupportNest

What Does an Epilepsy Management Plan Look Like?

Epilepsy Management is intended to identify their needs and objectives and provide a strategy for achieving them. It is essential that an Epilepsy Management Plan be tailored to the specific needs of the individual and take into account any changing circumstances. Typically, a management plan includes a diagnosis of epilepsy, details on the types of seizures experienced, and a list of medications and treatments currently being administered. It may also include a plan to reduce the risk of seizures, such as reducing stress, avoiding triggers, and avoiding potentially dangerous activities. In addition to access to medical specialists, equipment and assistive technology, therapy, respite care, and other services, the plan may include a variety of other supports to help a person manage their epilepsy.
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